Google Ads Status Dashboard
- Google Ads experienced service disruptions recently but is now up and running smoothly.
Google Ads Updates – Adriaan Decker
- New App Campaigns logo has been implemented.
- Testing beta for Sponsored Links with a new Sponsored label test.
- Updates to Google Merchant Center providing more data on individual products.
- Google Ads AI Video Generation is launching in the product studio with tools.
- Users can now create and save segments directly within GA4 properties.
Google Ads Updates – Thomas Eccel
- New Swipal Carousel image assets on the search engine results page.
- Ability to change who pays directly through the platform without support.
Microsoft Ads Copilot Advancements – Brooke Osmundson
- Microsoft Ads is enhancing user experience with Copilot, introducing new diagnostics and performance snapshot features.
- Stay updated with the latest Google Ads and PPC news for insights and improvements in the digital advertising landscape.